Christina Renee Rodriguez

(b.1968 Newton, Kansas) Rodriguez is an intuitive, contemplative photographer. Autodidactic by nature, with a voracious appetite for learning, Rodriguez is wholly un-indoctrinated. “Photography brings me joy and fulfillment. There is a certain kind of awareness that is gained through looking longer, closer and deeper at the world. Intuition sharpens, creativity sparks and imagination is set free to explore infinite possibilities.” Rodriguez pushes the limits of her art through exploration of materials, concepts, visual boundaries and process (both analog and digital). She endeavors to make quality, innovative, unique and thought-provoking imagery. “I ask the viewer to join me on a creative journey— to step with me into the secret, magical, strangeness that lingers beneath the world of appearance.”

Rodriguez has received many awards including Critical Mass Top 50, 2024. She has exhibited nationally in galleries and museums across the country and is held in private collections nationally and internationally.